Eucladium verticillatum  (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp.
Main synonym = Weissia verticillata    Hedw.
Taxonomical Classification:  Plantae (Mosses) / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Pottiales / Pottiaceae
Whorled Tufa-moss     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
A pale green moss forming tufts or irregular cushions over rocky substrates. Normally it attains a calcareous crust at tits lower parts or leaf margin and tips. The slender and fragile stems are branched, Leaves 3mm long, thin, with a prominent thick midvein that ends in an acute tip. The cells of the leaf base are colourless. Margin with a number of one-celled teeth, a rather unique character for the species. Grows in wet, shaded places and preferes water percolation rich in calcium salts, hence associated with calcareous rocks. Lower parts of moss feel hard and stiff dues to petrifications with such calcium salts.

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